As a Registered Social Landlord, we are required to review our Policies every three years or if there are any Legislative changes introduced by The Scottish Government.
We are now in the process of reviewing some of our Policies and we are asking for all our customers to give us their opinions on how you think these policies should look.
Currently, there are two strands to policy consultation within the community:
- Firstly, we believe it is important to inform all tenants when a policy review is due, together with some information on what changes are likely to be proposed by us. We do this by including relevant information in our tenant newsletter. In addition, we provide the full policies on our website.
- The next stage is to invite feedback from tenants, residents, and their representatives about how well they feel the proposals address the needs of the community and whether there are any particular amendments they would like to see. Also, all policies must be formally approved by our Management Committee.
If anyone is particularly interested in the formulation of our Policies, could they contact John Mallon our Senior Housing Officer at
The policies we are currently reviewing are: -
- Allocation Policy
- Abandonment Policy
- Anti-Social Behaviour Policy
- Lodger Policy
We are proposing to bring these Policies to the Management Committee meeting in August for approval.