Rent is due monthly in advance on or before the 1st of each month. However, you can arrange with your Housing Officer to pay your rent on a weekly or fortnightly basis if this is more convenient – just give us a call!
Factoring accounts are issued twice a year, normally in May and November.
There are a variety of methods by which you can make a payment:
- Online – Click here to be redirected to AllPay. Once there you will be asked for your 19 digit rent or factoring card number. You then follow the on screen instructions to make your payment.
- By Direct Debit – You can make payments direct from your bank or building society. You only require to complete one form and payments will continue thereafter until you cancel it. Click to download the Direct Debit Mandate Form for Factoring or the Direct Debit Mandate Form for Rent.
- By Standing Order – Please contact the Association for details.
- By using your payment swipe card at any Post Office or at any of the many shops where you see the Pay Point logo.
- By telephone – You can make a payment over the telephone by calling 0844 557 8321. Please note that if you pay by Access, Visa or Mastercard a 2.25% credit charge will be applied.
- By cheque – You can pay by cheque at our office or by posting the cheque to our office. All cheques should be made payable to Molendinar Park Housing Association and have your rent account, or factoring, number and your address marked clearly on the back of it.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Association by clicking here or by phoning 0141 564 5256 if you have any queries regarding any of the above payment methods.
What If I Can't Pay My Rent?
If you have difficulties paying your rent and are worried, contact us in the first instance and we will try to help you. We will be happy to discuss realistic repayment arrangements with you.
If you do not contact us and the balance in your account increases, this may lead to further legal action. Therefore, it is in your best interests to contact us as soon as there are any changes in your circumstances which would affect payments to your rent account.
We will make every effort to understand your individual situation and advise you how to make applications for benefits if necessary.
Welfare Rights Officer Services
Molendinar Park Housing Association offer a Welfare Rights Service every Tuesday (by appointment) at our offices at 3 Graham Square. Give us a call on 0141 564 5256. The advice they give is impartial, professional and completely confidential and free. They can offer advice on a wide range of issues including:
- Housing Benefit
- Universal Credit
- Social Security and Disability Hearings
- "in-work" benefits advice such as Tax Credit, Universal Credit, housing benefit and Council Tax Benefit
- Benefit Reviews/Mandatory Reconsiderations
- Benefit Appeals
- Tribunal Hearings
- Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
- Sanctions
- Attendance Allowance
- Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- Child Disability Living Allowance
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- Income Support
- Discretionary Housing Payment
- Council Tax
- Scottish Welfare Fund
- Job Seekers Allowance
- Child Benefit
- Social Fund Loans
- Energy Advice
- Grant Applications