Molendinar Park Housing Association provides homes for rent in the Bellgrove, Bridgeton, Castlemilk and Dalmarnock areas of Glasgow. It also provides low cost home ownership opportunities through Shared Ownership and Shared Equity.
Since our formation in 1993 we have built 268 new flats and renovated a tenement building in the Bellgrove area. The Association has won a number of Awards for its developments in Bellgrove. In 1999 we purchased a Sheltered Housing Complex in Drakemire Avenue in Castlemilk and a small development around Finnart Square in Bridgeton from the Government Housing Agency, Scottish Homes. A year later we purchased 350 houses from Scottish Homes in Dalmarnock.
We currently own 498 flats and provides factoring services to 250 owner-occupiers. The Association also manages 84 shared ownership properties.
We are a charitable, not-for-profit organisation owned by local organisations, representing residents, and individuals with an interest in our work. The Management Committee determines the policies of the Association and employs staff to implement and administer these policies.