Does your Community matter to You?
Please note that we are currently encouraging applications to the Committee. Click here for more information.
If you have answered yes then we would love to hear from you. Become a member of the Association and have your say. We value all of our tenants, shared owners and factored owners. It’s important to become a member of the Association and be a part of decision making which will affect your Community. Membership is open to our tenants and members of the wider Community who share an interest in the aims and objectives for the Association.
- Have Your Say
- Be a part of making Decisions which will affect your Community
- Network with other likeminded people
- Vote on the election of members to serve on our Committee.
We welcome applications from anybody interested over the age of 16. We encourage diversity and we are keen for our Committee to reflect our Community. The cost to become a member is £1.
If you would like to apply to become a member, please contact the Association on 0141 564 5256 or
We will send you an application form. Alternatively, you can download the membership form
Your application for membership will be given consideration at the first available meeting of the Management Committee. If it is approved then you will receive your Share Certificate.